It was such a great feeling to help my Sister’s wedding be even more special. It was my debut and farewell as a wedding singer! It’s unfortunate that it wasn’t compatible with Miranda’s schedule but I wouldn’t have missed this special moment for anything. With a few tweaks and a larger keyboard my looping rig was perfect for playing out on a lawn with minimal equipment. I packed up and was at the reception without missing any food or toasts!

I debuted my new looping project live on air just to make sure any disasters would be as embarrassing as possible. It was rushed since I just got back from the UK and still ironing out details. As it turned out, the worst of it was that I freaked out the soundguy who didn’t know how to turn down his gain. I stumbled in the middle when he threw up his hands in frustration at the distortion, and apparently he stopped and started the podcast just before that so the recording is missing a chorus. Oh, and the intro ran a little long while I accepted that I had a bad cable and would only have one in-ear monitor…but in the end the train hadn’t wrecked and it was a successful test of the system. I likened it to landing a plane with 2 engines out. Now I need to work up enough songs with it for a live set.

I couldn’t have had more fun as we wandered through England, Ireland, and Scotland for the C2C shows. It was as unique and amazing as the countries themselves are.
